Course Information
- Instructors
- Prof. Jonathan Rosenberg / Changhui Tan
- Lectures
- M W F, 11:00am - 11:50am, room 0131 of Reckord Armory.
- Discussions
- Tu Th, 8:00am - 8:50am (0211), 9:00am - 9:50am (0221), room B0423 of Math Building.
- Professor's Office Hour
- M W, 10:00am-10:45am, and by appointment, room 2114 of Math Building.
- TA's Office Hours
- Tu Th 10:00am - 10:45am, room 1305 of Math Building.
- W 4:00pm - 5:00pm, tutor room 0301 of Math Building.
- Textbook
- Richard A. Johnson, Statistics: Principles and Methods, 6th Edition
- Main course webpage
- Syllabus
- Click Here
Latest Announcement
- You can find the solution for Spring 2009 final exam HERE.
- The final exam will be held 1:30-3:30 on Thursday 12/13 at Symons Hall(SYM) room 0200. Please try to be there 10 minutes before the exam.
- On Wednesday 12/12, there is a review session at Physics Building (PHY) room 1410, 8:30-10:00. I highly recommend you to come.
- Downloadable resources. Worksheet updated to: W12. Quiz updated to: Q14.
- Grades for exam 4 is avaiable. You can check the statistics at the "exam information" column.
- Quiz 11 will be take-home. It can be downloaded in "quiz information" column. It will be due next Tuesday (11/27).
- There is a change of schedule due to hurricane Sandy. Exam 3 will be on Wednesday(10/31). The due date of take-home quiz 7 will be on Thursday(11/1). Quiz 8 will be delayed to next Tuesday(11/6). All changes are marked red.
- Quiz 7 is available to be downloaded. It is a take-home quiz, due at November 1 (Thursday).
- Quiz 4 will be on Thursday. Sorry I did not realize it was scheduled on Tuesday. Section 7.1 will be covered in the quiz.
- Math department tutor hours start this week. You can come to the tutor room at 0301 math building any time when there is a Math 141 tutor there. The schedule can be checked HERE.
- Welcome to MATH 141.
- Several worksheets will be given during the discussion, and you can download them here. I might cover some problems which does not appear in the worksheets as well.
Worksheet # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sections 6.1-6.3 6.4-6.5 6.7-6.8 7.1-7.5 7.6-7.8 8.1-8.3 8.4-8.7 9.1-9.3 9.4-9.6 9.7-9.10 Complex #s 10.1-10.2 Download Worksheets.
Quiz Information
- 14 quizzes will be given during the semester. Each quiz has 10 points. The lowest 4 scores will be dropped. Thus, the total weight of quizzes is 100 points.
- Click HERE for detailed quiz schedules.
Quiz # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Schedule 8/30 9/6 9/13 9/27 10/4 10/18 10/25-11/1 11/6 11/8 11/15 11/20-11/27 11/27 12/6 12/11 Download Quizzes.
Homework Information
- There are two parts of homework.
- The first part is the assignments from the textbook. You do not have to submit the homework, but it is highly recommended as the quizzes and exams are highly related to the homework.
- The second part is the Webassign homework. There are 14 Webassign homework assignment. The total weight of Webassign homeowrk is 100 points. Click HERE to enter Webassign homework.
- Click HERE for details of the homework assignment.
Exam Information
- There are four exams during the semester. Each exam counts for 100 points. And there is a cumulative final exam at the end of the semester, with the weight of 200 points. Thus, the total weight of the exams is 400+200=600 points.
Exam # 1 2 3 4 Final Schedule 9/19 10/10 10/31 11/30 12/13 Chapters 6 7 8 9,Complex #s Cumulative Avg/Median of all sections 64.45/65 77.61/83 68.65/68 51.90/52 Avg/Median of 0211(8am) 73.45/73 79.66/87 71.7/71 61.68/50 Avg/Median of 0221(9am) 59.45/60 78.92/86 64.57/66 52.58/51 - Resources of previous exams:
- Exams in summer 2011, with solutions in detail. (See exam information column)
- Exams in summer 2010, with solutions in detail. (See exam information column)
- Math test bank. (Previous exams with some solutions)
Grading Information
- Your grade will be based on the following 800 points:
- 100 points » 14 quizzes at 10 points each, lowest 4 dropped
- 100 points » 14 Webassign homework at 10 points each, lowest 4 dropped
- 400 points » 4 exams at 100 points each
- 200 points » Cumulative final exam
- The final grades with be given by A(720+), B(640+), C(560+), D(480+), F(480-).
- You can check your grades online if you signed the agreement.
- [Session 0211 (8am)] [Session 0221 (9am)].
- The total cutoff: 673+ A, 591+ B, 500+ C, 420 D. Be aware that +/- will be given if you are near the boundary (10 points above or below).
Contact Information
- Contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.
- My office tel is (301)405-9816. You can also give me a call by clicking the "Google Phone" button at HERE.